UZ manual conversion kit for test/sale - I need a volunteer

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
Plates have arrived. Drawings are almost done. I should be ready to finish the W series by next week.

I will start on the R series next week as well.
drawings for the tranmissions side of the flanges are DONE!!!!

I was hoping for .001" tolerance, but I just can't, already too much time involved, so I will have to settle with .01", which is still within specs and won't cause any problems at all.

The V8 drawing is pretty much done, I just have to verify that it is within .01" by having a test plate cut.

The 7M drawing still needs some work, but I need to use a plotter before I go start getting a test plates cut.

I will take the drawings and the alignment plates to the machine shop in a couple days, and await there completion. At that point, I will be able to take pre-orders
AMAZING timing!
weather should be clearing up here on my end in the next couple weeks!
talk to you soon man!
keep me posted!
ok, I got my test plates back. They all looked really good with the exception of the W series plate...don't know what happend there. I will have to re-do that one and have another test plate cut. Probably won't get it back until monday.

After that then my alignment plates will go off to be machined. Sorry for the delay.
for the W series, as soon as I get the alignment plates done, the W series will be ready to order.

So I think sometime next week or the week after I can start taking orders.

R series are still a little ways off as I still have to make the pattern, although it shouldn't take too long. I already have the plates done for the R series bellhousings, just the W series got screwed up a little.
So I am completely giving on doing things myself.

I should have just outsourced the drawings, i would have been done LONG LONG AGO!!!!!! Sorry guys, just trying to keep the cost down so I can sell these for a great price. That is why it is taking so long.

Anyway, I have found someone to do the drawings for me that can get .001" accuracy. It will take a week to get them back though.

If ANYBODY wants to share a R series W series, or even a 1UZ bolt pattern with center point with .001" accuracy, I will make it worth your while. I will also be able to get these done a little quicker.
SuperRunner, what is the status on your 1uz/W58 bellhousing? I am planning this combo in my 83 Celica and researching bells, flywheel, and clutch parts.
I just managed to get my hands on a R154 for $100. So Put me down for A R154 kit instead of a W58 kit. Any Idea on the ETA of those. Also do you still need the hole pattern from a R154? Now that i Have one i could probably help you out.
no, I have everything now.

R154 bellhousings are still a ways out. I should have my plates back by this weekend. So I will be shipping out a couple bellhousings for those who ordered thiers a LONG TIME AGO. Thanks for your patients.
I want to get the ones that I have shipped out. After they are installed and I get feedback, then I will put in a LARGE order.

I talked to the machine shop yesterday. They promised the plates either by tomorrow or Monday. No doubt I will get the ones I have now shipped out next week.
I got the spacer plate cut out(very primitive but functional). The bellhousing is a little dirty(clay, vasaline, and other stuf from trying to make molds). But I can have it boxed up and sent out tomorrow for you.

1998toco, are you the one who purchased my original bellhousing? I get Real names and usernames mixed up. I need to go purchase Quicken so I can keep this stuff organized.
well im not sure either. i emailed you about a month and a half ago and you told me that in about a month you be ready to ship it to me? if that helps. but ya im not to sure just let me know. the truck is waiting for the bell and once the bell is here it'll be ready to go in. so if you do need feedback im ready and waiting to.
