Gas Prices

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In the USA they got those Powerstroke 7.3 diesels running 11 sec quarters in full size trucks. So yeah, plenty hotting up is possible for diesel engines. Just look at the diesel tractor pullers, they get some ultra serious horsepower from tractor engines
That's funny... I pay about 0.70-0.85 per litre here in Russia. it is about $2.5-$3.2
Seems OK, but taking into account the fact that the average (and considered GOOD) salary is about $700-$1000... ;)
Like all large markets, the oil and gas industry is FULL of speculators, and speculators LOVE to dwell on things like Iran (which I believe is the #4 producer in the world, and has direct access to the shipping lanes of which most of that regions supply comes from).

A recent study was done which investigated the purchases of oil/natural gas in the market. Historically it has always been ~30/70 split with 30 people buying/selling in a short term investment fashion (buying and selling quick enough to never take possesion, or buying futures and selling the fuel off without ever having posession) and 70 people buying the fuel to actually use. The recent study found the ratio is now 60/40 meaning more day traders are buying fuels on the open market and then reselling them at a profit then people actually buying the fuels to use! Its a great scheme where capital investment firms with big $ buy large quantities, create a bit of a supply problem for people who need the fuel causing prices to spike and then resell it on the market for a profit. Or if some world news rumour starts up, they will buy and wait for panic to sell at an even bigger profit.

Until reform sets in, prices will be abnormally high from this imbalance and volitility will be at a maximum. And it's not the oil companies at fault.

I just read last week that natural gas RESERVES are at an all time high from the mild winter - literally there is no more room in storage facilities to store the stuff. Yet prices are still hovering in the $8-$9 mmBTU range, up from $3-$4 a few years ago. The laws of supply and demand do not make sense anymore.

It is not oil companies, governments, or politics screwing the average person - its investment firms screwing average people... but since thats not a popular public villian, the media will never grab on to it.
skid said:

Maybe £4-£5 a UK gallon (8 pints or 4.54545 litres)

So that's about a US$9 gallon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It'll be cheaper to run cars on 20 year old single malt soon!

Oh my god!!! $9 per gallon, wow I would never drive again.... I forgot how expensive gasoline is in Europe I have not traveled there in 7 or 8 years. When I was in Spain, England, Ireland, Scottland, etc.. I rented a Voxel 4 banger and I remember driving everywhere for two weeks and gas prices were killing us then, even more so then the bed and breakfast stops... I thought I remembered it being around $5 a gallon.. wow...

So to filling up a Soarer from empty would cost almost $200 USD.. Insane!!!!

No way, I would not have that......again pedal away or something...if your out of shape get a horse or donkey and pull cart.....Just do up the cart so it looks cool...Fat rims, racing stripes, etc... You may still get laughed at but you will be saving on gas....:redface:
i think that the u.s has to relook into the way things r going in the states, iam not going to take up time on my thoughts but i will say if this is how a rich man runs things and they continue to be ran by the rich we are in a world that does not look to be for the people anymore....o so sad
Biodiesel is the way to for the family run about. Ok for fun you want high octance petrol but for sitting in traffic through town there's no justification for £1/$US1.81 per litre.

There's a cottage industry starting up here with people getting waste oil from the local chippie or chinese, filtering and seperating the water out (that comes from the food product) and then running their cars on it. Bingo tax free fuel.

You're supposed to declare it and pay 17.5% VAT to the government... but would you? Screw them.

I guy I know of has a mark 2 Golf Gti (I've got one too - best fun small car ever!) and he's fitted the latest engine and box from the mark5 golf GTDi. The ecu's been chipped and a few extras and he's running over 300ft/ibs or torque in a 1000kg car!!!

Hmmmmm...... maybe there's a future in taking a MacDonalds franchise after all??? ;o)

ChrisV said:
Like all large markets, the oil and gas industry is FULL of speculators, and speculators LOVE to dwell on things like Iran (which I believe is the #4 producer in the world, and has direct access to the shipping lanes of which most of that regions supply comes from).

A recent study was done which investigated the purchases of oil/natural gas in the market. Historically it has always been ~30/70 split with 30 people buying/selling in a short term investment fashion (buying and selling quick enough to never take possesion, or buying futures and selling the fuel off without ever having posession) and 70 people buying the fuel to actually use. The recent study found the ratio is now 60/40 meaning more day traders are buying fuels on the open market and then reselling them at a profit then people actually buying the fuels to use! Its a great scheme where capital investment firms with big $ buy large quantities, create a bit of a supply problem for people who need the fuel causing prices to spike and then resell it on the market for a profit. Or if some world news rumour starts up, they will buy and wait for panic to sell at an even bigger profit.

Until reform sets in, prices will be abnormally high from this imbalance and volitility will be at a maximum. And it's not the oil companies at fault.

I just read last week that natural gas RESERVES are at an all time high from the mild winter - literally there is no more room in storage facilities to store the stuff. Yet prices are still hovering in the $8-$9 mmBTU range, up from $3-$4 a few years ago. The laws of supply and demand do not make sense anymore.

It is not oil companies, governments, or politics screwing the average person - its investment firms screwing average people... but since thats not a popular public villian, the media will never grab on to it.
Your reasoning seems to be very logical although I've just roughly read a similar article like yours. For example, in the case that the house prices (about half year ago) in Arizona went up so crazy, the main factor was due to the investors that played with the prices. I happened to go there with my friend because he went to look for a house in Arizona, all I saw was lines of people waiting to sign up and buy the houses. It turned out that 80% - 90% of them were investors. But now the real estate there is getting stuck. There're really not a lot of real buyers so whomever bought the houses for investment are crying over there. What I mean when I compare this real estate incident to the gas price is that it could be due to the oil investors or retailers.
Steve, look to Las Vegas for housing or condo investments, it's closer for management purposes and still more growth potential then most other growing areas in the US where it is still affordable to buy...Believe it or not sin city just keeps growing... Arizona is played out....

You should look into commercial rehab properties that are vacant where future growth speculation is projected in that area. Something like that may still be affordable and if you really do your research and homework on the area and buy distressed and vacant you may just retire young.... Commercial properties are so stable and profitable when rented and makes more money in most cases then residential investments... You will have no management and have long term tenancy if in a good area location (business), no maintenance expenses etc....on a tripple net lease... Apartment buildings and houses are more affordable but much less profitable and so much more work... I know this because this is how I made my money...Commercial property...Housing near the Ocean can be good for long term also...

I personally would wait until those interest rates climb and the forclosures start rolling because everyone is defaulting on their interest only loans. The banks get eager to sell and unload at a great price, especially at years end to clear their REO lists..That is if you must invest in residential real estate. Stock market climbs and real estate drops, and that is the time to buy.. Go against the masses...

Investing class 101 is now over....Just a few things to think about when investing in real estate...
Saudi Arabia oil is 16 cents a litre. Here's the contents of an email from a family friend.

This is from the May 1, 2006 Energy Digest.
Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter of oil, slashed the domestic retail prices of gasoline and diesel April 30 by between 25% and 33% as crude prices continued to hover around all-time peaks. The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) published a decree by King Abdullah, who ordered a cut in gasoline prices to 60 halalas (16 cents) per liter from 90 halalas and diesel to 25 halalas per liter from 37 halalas. ($1=3.750 riyals)
The decree said the move was intended to "improve the living standard of citizens." It did not elaborate. Retail prices of fuel in the Kingdom are fixed and set by the state. Oil climbed above $72/bbl April 28 after the world's nuclear watchdog confirmed that Iran has flouted demands to stop enriching uranium, renewing worries about threats to oil supply. (REUTERS 4/30)

My apologies to you guys who are suffering through high gas prices, we just received a 30% cut in prices. Remember that the price (16 cents) is US.

G. Blair, CA, CIA, CISA
Internal Auditor
Operational Audits Department
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
Hehehe, it's impossible to compare anything in Saudi Arabia to what's happening in the "real" world.
wow this is an interesting thread, all about 'truths' and 'facts' about oil supply, demand, control, and consumption. it amuses me how ignorant some americans can be to the world, such as with international petrol prices, yet still moan about the costs like someones gonna feel sorry for them. you spread capitilisation to the rest of the world, then when china and other growing nations use oil, driving global demand up, and oil prices, they're the bad guys. ask yourself, if your business had control of a valuable resource that is drying up and everyone wants, what would you do?
sure we can try to blame happenings in iraq and iran, but thats a whole other story (which may also have a slight bit to do with america). dont think im anti-american though, coz im not. the US did of course bring us the mighty v8 of course, and lots of other great stuff to which im thankful.
i read a book recently on the topic of oil called 'the last hours of ancient sunlight' by thom hartmann, which suggested oil is being consumed at triple the rate at which it is being found, and estimates of how much is in the ground (excluding Tradewind's miraculus US oil reserves) at about 30 years worth at current useage. of course, as other developments become more cost effective as petrol/oil goes up, this length of time will increase. i forget the exact figures but these are near enough 'right' (if i can use the word).
this is all not sounding very nice for us on this forum with our v8's, but i have come to accept the fact that on my budget, my would-be daily driver will now become a weekend cruiser. this looks to be the way its going for those of us in the "real" world, except for well off people who dont have to look at the price at the pumps.
i might suggest considering moving to mexico, where fuel is cheaper and you can even fill up with straight methanol from the pump (iv heard). it would be great, you could even wind the boost up some more quite safely.
moving countries is a little extreme though, so we may instead see the death of americas love affair with big blocks and suv's, and people will drive round in electric or hydrogen powered cars, thinking they're saving the environment (find out what the byproducts of electricity and hydrogen are and you'll see what i mean) but they're not. looks like we're gonna have to either walk, ride a bike, buy a motorbike/scooter/small car, or take the bus to work. shock, horror, americans, welcome to the real, "real" world.

ps. i live in new zealand, a small pacific island below austraia (but not part of it. lol), where fuel is currrently over $1.70 a litre. a country without nuclear power, without the worlds biggest oil reserves under our mountains, and without a media controlled by corporations, telling us what they decide to be the truth.
um, thats the end of my rant. cheers.
340i, that's an interesting perspective you have, and I don't disagree with most of it. America has certainly enjoyed special privileges with its gasoline prices, and of course in other areas, for reasons which may not be "fair", but there you go. Very few things in life are fair, right?

One thing though, nobody knows when we're going to run out of oil for the simple reason that nobody knows how much is left to be discovered. We (the petroleum industry) keep finding more & more in deeper and more inaccessible and unexpected places, so we really don't have a handle on what's left. Industry "experts" have been saying we only have about 30 years of reserves, for most of my 34 year career in this industry, and they're still saying it.


A Lufthanza pilot was radioing his ground controller in Berlin, and asking for final approach instructions in German.

Ground Control: "LH105, please restate your request in English"

LH105: "Ground Control, I am a German pilot, flying a German aircraft, landing in the capital of Germany. Why do I have to speak English?"

Unknown Pilot (with a Texas drawl): "Because you lost the war."
340i - We have many problems here in the States that need addressing and yes you are right we should not be moaning about gas prices we still have it cheaper then most all other countries. ..Live in Mexico you said? Are you crazy? Mexicans are coming to America in droves, why because they want a better life... Need I say more?

I have never been to New Zealand but I imagine it is nice, a well run government, and stable...Much like Australia... I have traveled the world and I can honestly say the United States is still the greatest country on Earth from what I have seen... I am not just saying that because this is where I am born.. I say this after comparing all after all my travels.

I can honesly step back and say with the freedoms and oportunities to build a quality life here in the States it is very difficult for me to say there is another country I would rather live in. Simply said USA is second to none... With that being said, we as a nation I feel we are declining abit.. We have corporate corruption, we have immigration problems, our government and leaders I believe are mildly corrupt but controlled, etc... but what country doesn't have problems or some form of corruption?

340i I like you and I am not trying to start anything but I must ask you have you ever traveled to the United States? Do you base your accusations on actual experiences or just something you read in a book or saw on TV?

In closing as you all know I am pro American, but I also keep an open mind and am not blind to what goes on around me. One good thing I have noticed in the last couple of days is that gasoline prices are stable and even droping abit.. Thank god...Love ya all and don't want to get too political on you so on that note I will say see ya and "Fill it up please and keep it cheap"....:slaphappy
hi all
i was a bit harsh in my previous post. possiby just due to hearing people with cheaper petrol than us complain about how expensive it is.
i didnt mean to suggest you should actually move to mexico, that was just an example of the relative ease of saving petrol, over more extreme measures such as moving.

jibby, i see what you're saying, and dont doubt for a second that the states is a fantastic place. i myself would definitely like to visit in a few years. i was just trying to bring to light a different opinion to the one of the common man getting ripped off by the middle east, and tales of infinite oil reserves, and the corruption, problems, etc, that you mention.

i had another think about the topic and concluded that petrol price is all relative really. for example, previous to the last few years, the dollar per barrel value of oil has stayed reasonably stationary for the last three decades, while everything else in society rises in price due to inflation etc.
also, other than oil companies paying retirement bonuses of US$400million to bosses (Exxon mobil), and many other contributing factors, i hold my opinion that a fair share of the price increase is due to good old supply and demand. have a look around you and consider where stuff you have is made and what from; most clothes, shoes,.. these days are synthetic fibres (made from oil, in china), your computer you sit infront of is plastic too (made from oil, in china), the screen is glass (unless you have a nice lcd), which takes a large amount of energy (oil) to create (again, in asia). what im getting at is that we all love to buy affordable goods manufactured in some third world country, yet by doing so are creating a competing oil market that drives up the price of the petrol at the pump. obviously this is an incredibly simplified example, but i hope it can be seen that this trade off of save-a-dollar-here, but pay-a-bit-extra-here, applies to you filling up your tank.
Jibby Hi,

Are you telling us that American TV shows and Hollywood movies don't give a completely accurate picture of life in the USA. I'm shattered! I thought you had to carry a gun just to buy milk at the local shop. The Simpsons will never be the same again.
[I'm joking, so don't go busting a cap in my ass]

Speaking of alternative engines, check this idea out:
Ha Ha Ha, Doey your funny!!! TV shows are very accurate so believe everything you see and nothing you hear...Carry a gun, a body guard, and wear a vest, etc... Simpson's are right on... :AR15firin :1244:

340i- It's all problems... See ya

Seriously, like every country there are good places and bad, ghetto's and slums are tough......Most all other places are safe and a pleasure to visit in the States...
doey said:
Jibby Hi,

Are you telling us that American TV shows and Hollywood movies don't give a completely accurate picture of life in the USA. I'm shattered! I thought you had to carry a gun just to buy milk at the local shop. The Simpsons will never be the same again.
[I'm joking, so don't go busting a cap in my ass]

Speaking of alternative engines, check this idea out:
In my opinion, the Simpsons show is one of the worst cartoon that I've ever seen. You might have different opinion and I respect that, but I always changed to other channels when I saw it.
Starrotor is a variations of rotors designs...I think the new engines are going to be the CMVFE this stands for "Control mini volatile fission expanding" nukes basically going off in the combustions driving steam turbinds at high speed @ super heated pressures with everybit of spent fuel contained,the big'est problems the designers are facing are the to stop the leaks..otherwise,we be driving around in ok...
