Error codes 22, 24 and 31

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
My crown 1UZ starts but hunts at idle. It seems to rev fine. Unable to drive the car at this stage so not sure what it would be like under load but free reving sounds good. Except at idle its hunting. I have connected all hoses i can find. Checked error codes and it reported
22 Water temp sensors
24 Intake air sensor
31 Air flow meter
Also have 83,84, 85 but from what i have read this is related to the gbox.
Running std ECU and ECT. Stand loom still on engine.
If i disconnect the AFM it stops hunting and idles, a little fast but at a steady rate.
I have checked and rechecked.
If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Thanks
Hunting at idle could be cause by air leak after the MAF.
This may or may not cause it to throw code 31.

As sideshow said, reset the ecu, then recheck.

If you have been playing around with ECU connected and some sensors disconnected then that can affect it.

Only way for codes 22 and 24 to come up is if the sensor is stuffed (unlikely), unplugged, or a wire is severed/bad contact.'

You can check the water temp sensor and air temp sensor with this.
Will be close enough

22 -
24 -
When I first wired mine up the idle hunted up and down, mine was dodgy conections to alternater, I found alternater causing this prob posted some where on this forum.
I don't have my Alt connected. Never thought it would make any difference. but i'll connect it up. i'll try anything!
Hey Peewee,
Have checked the temp sensor and its close enough to the chart. but
when checking the afm, i get no response from the mutilmeter. Just nothing. From that i think i need to go shopping for a new AFM. I haven't started looking for one but from what i have read they can be a little hard to find.
crown air flows are harder to find than rocking horse ****

best bet is find someone who has gone aftermarket ecu
I think i have tried everything that every body has suggested but it still hunts. I have checked the AFM (thanks Rod) and its fine. I even have a spare AFM now. Have cleaned the ISCV. Have checked for any air leaks and unable to find anything wrong. I have not connected the Alt yet, but i can't see how this could cause the idle to hunt but i'll connect it up and see what happens.
Could i have some wiring wrong?
What else could cause the motor to hunt? help.....
has the loom been rewired

the crown with 2 ecus has alot of wiring to do especially between both ecus
if the loom gets cut up

its not a 5 minute job like most people think it is

i have all the info on the crown so i can look at it for a price if u get stuck
Thanks Sideshow, The loom off the motor is still standard. and i have wired up the ECU and ECT. I would still like to try a few more things but maybe soon i'll might get you to come over and check it out. I know this is your income so don't have to answer, but how do i tell if the TPS or the ISCV is faulty?
one wire on tps has 5v constant ith ign on
one has 0 v
one has about .4 ign on then as u open tps it should range up to about 3.5 to 4v
a nice constant climb in volts as u slowly open it

if u loose voltage then it has a break

but for it to be hunting at idle it might not have il setting set

4th wire on tps has i think 12v or 0 v then as u just crack the tps it changes to the other i think its 0 at idle then 1mm open it has 12v
thats just yr idle contact

i have also had in the past bad isc motors
i remove them clean them and wind them out
i found the screw section inside which u cant pull apart seizes
just pull it apart and u should be able to wind one sectiuon in the motor clockwise and anit clock
this makes the think then go in and out

its hard to explain
Problem solved. Found that i missed the wire that gives the ISCV voltage. Such a stupid mistake. All working fine now! Thanks to everyone that helped out.
