Large injector >>> more power ..

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.



Hi, If I replace my 1993 1UZ injector 215 cc with 7MG injectors 315 cc ,

Without any turbo or other modification , I will get more torque ? some horse power ?

- How much I can get more ??

- If I use propane gas ( cooking gas ) as booster , It will work ??
i was also going to use bigger injectors on my NA motor, i was gonna go with some other work as well, like bigger cams, port and polish, dual TB, bigger custom intake plenum, custom fuel rails, and i think that was it, all with the SM4 i already have, i would also like opinions on what gains or benifets i maight get with this setup?
NO. just because you can feed it more fuel doesn't mean it has any more air to make more power with. No need to get custom fuel rails, stock rails will flow more than enough fuel. Do you know for sure the stock TB is too small?
Air + Fuel + Compression.
You can throw down as much fuel as you want, but if you're not throwing more air in the mixture, you're not making more power. Most factory engines already run too much fuel for the 100% stock setup so the general rule of thumb, is you're producing less power.

To need more fuel, you need enough air for it to benifit by having extra fuel.
bigger injectors will stuff yr whole mixtures up unless u change the ecu
mappin in the ecu is matched to an exact sized injector and exact fuel pressure

so change one and u will affect other stuff

like ive said before my 1uz runs very rich on full throttle atleast 10:1 air fuel

on most N/A std ecu engines u gain power by leaning the mixture off

nothin is cheap these days and too many people think bigger injectors mean more power but unless u do alot fo other mods yr just wasting more fuel or creating more heat for no gain
Strange Idea … !!!

What about If I put some oxygen gas ( welding gas ) ?? To get more air = more air/fuel = more power ?? Is it right ?
you will kill urself by using using oxygen gas (from an welding plant) pure oxygen and oil do not mix well
Well don't forget there is oil on the bores and inlet stems. How where you going to control the flow from the oxygen tank ??.
