code 56

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beyond custom

New Member
western australia
Hi guys new here, I have done many conversions with the 1uzfe and never had issues till this one. I have done many search's and some one mentioned on here code 56 was hydrolic fluid fan level?? is this the actual fault? cause can not see any actual answers that seem surtain? Ok not sure if you guys have done this, but if you reset the computer then start it, it will rev fine for a few seconds, till ecu detects something as code 56 then starts to limit the engine and check light comes on... so has to be a factor telling the computer there is a proplem...

any help would be greatly appreciated, and any mod to loom, or voltage to apply to a surtain pin etc I can do??

does it have a 2500 rpm limit
i had this prob on aconverison i wired up

took me 2 days to find what caused it was so annoying lost soo much money on it

if u send me loom i can see if its been wired up wrong

i do not know of any one in country that know the cure so sorry can not give any info out
for people that may view, the celsior computer 4th plug, trans plug that holds batt wire (black/yellow stripe) ( plug that is up side down and away from the other 3) the large blue wire which is pin 1 that is not in the Ls400 lexus diagram, this wire needs to be grounded, if you are not usuing hydrolic fan, as is the level inticator in filler bottle. if not connected, gives code 56 and will not let car rev...

Bump, This problem is driving me insane. I believe I have a UCF20 ECU, and I am currently fighting with a code 31 and a code 56. It throws these codes before it even starts. I know the 31 is the MAF, I have a second one on the way. Any info on the 56 would be great.
I've got a 1996 Celsior ecu but the USA diagrams on this website doesn't show the hydro fan level wire, maybe they don't run them in USA
And I have a low rev limit and code 56 so I'm guessing these are related
Will try find jdm Celsior diagrams to find this blue wire
hey guys, for those who would read the topic in future....
sometimes it's not enough to ground pin 1
in addition, pin 14 must be grounded as well

the above is correct for ecu #89780-50030. Symptoms were - low rev limit after 5 seconds of idling, error code 56, and rough idle. All fixed now.
I finally fixed the issues on the later 1uzs
the codes are there because the hydro wires and radiator temp wires go into the engine ecu
so u need to trick the engine ecu with the things that u removed
Дружище, тебе надо клапан пропеллера и датчик температуры обмануть или запитать штатно : SOL+ SOL- это клапан, а датчик по-моему TH+ TH- все на 26-контактном разъёме
А ещё лучше купи мозги от ls400 послерестайл и не грей моск - там во-первых этой приблуды нету, во-вторых нет отсечки скорости
В заключение скажу что ошибка 56 на 21 кузове ни на что не влияет в отличие от 11 кузова
Как оказалось влияет.. Авто заводится и глохнет по клапану холостого хода. открываю принудительно - все хорошо. Двигатель работает ровно если его поддержать дросселем. Нет холостых вообще
а, на этих да, бывают такие симптомы
проще всего найдите мозги с крауна аналогичные
на цельс таких годов ничего не нашёл. Возможно следует поискать среди аналогичных пинов в схеме ls400, которые бы в ls400 были незадействованы или например шли бы на egr
