cannot get running

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
have a hiace van have put a 1uz in a long time ago... had it running and always had a miss then non stop problems, gave up changing things to try and fix, so changed loom, new computer has three main plugs and a separate auto loom. now engine has perfect spark and will run on etha.
injectors are only pulsing twicw then never again have been threw many things to try and fix but no luck

can anyone please help with either a pinout or any advice on what i can do next other than a link thanks
were are they located? will give it a go.. just think its weird how motor used to run semi ohk, and now i changed loom its doing this.. will give it a go
thanks alot
Ok if the motor runs on ether but not on fuel you have a fuel problem.

Fuel injectors are inclined to seize up if not used. The fuel evaporates and the varnishes make the pintel stick.

There are two ways around it:

1. pull the injectors out and have them cleaned. Not a bad idea s it will help smooth running and economy
2. the el-cheapo solution is to tap each injector and it may free up. Note MAY free up.

You could have a fuel pressure reg that has failed but they are extrmely reliable.

Do you have fuel pressure? One way to check is to turn on the ignition and crank the engine for a second or two then turn it off. Crack a fuel union slightly open at the front of the fuel rail. If fuel sprays out you have pressure. If not I would look at the reg. Be aware this is potentialy hazardous.

I assume you know the fuel pump is working and the filter isn't blocked.
have had injectors on test bench and flow, all ohk. have hard wired fuel pump for now and have removed fuel in-good pressure and is returning ohk, plugging a node light and a old injector into pit it flashes/ pulses twice on every injector plug then nothing.. am thinking its w wiring fault? boroed a mates computer last nyt out of a running car and same thing.. will get numbers of computer so if any one has a pinout matching it i dont mind paying for it
you should have kept yr old setup and paid someone who knows what they are doing to fix the problems

now u have wasted time and money by chanigning everythign and hoping it will fix probs
but have created more headaches

sounds like yr coils are not sending signal back to ignitors telling ecu to fire injectors

make sure both coils have the electrical connections plugged in

when u changed whole harness it might not be matched to the small front harness
which does the cam sensors and the front coil power

double check the 4 or 6 pin plug near front left injector

diagnosing takes many years to learn
thought i was "taking it to someone who new what they were doing" when i paid 3grand to an auto sparky in town to wire it, then when it turned to dramas they didnt wana know about it. this is why have tried to sort probs myself as am running out of money and have no choice i changed front part of harness to that come on other engine i bought
this is what shits me
dumb fux that do jobs like this and then give shhhhhhhiiiit work back to customers
funny thign is the dodgey workshops are the ones that are filthy rich and very busy
but ones that look after the customer get shit too
fark for 3 grand i would have flown over and wired the enigne up for u
anyway u live and learn
i think these days customers dont research enough and dont ask as much question to the workshop they are getting work done as what they should

i get some jobs that have had radiators done and this done and that done
i ask the customer why does this not work why is this fuel sender not matched to the gauge
thats because the idiots who make radiators and fuel tanks should be asking the customer do u want a thermo fan switch fitted
or what fuel gauge are u using so i can get a mathcing fuel sender
but they dont then customer has more work to do
anyway not enough workshops out there really know what to do in a conversion

i have upped my prices abit cause of fukwit customers and after seeing guys out there charging 3 grand maybe i should double my prices cause i would still be cheaper than him
if i were u i would have taken it back and shoved it up his round butttt hole
unfortunately these days 90% of workshops put the work "performance" on the end of their business name and then take on jobs way way wya over their head then when they get stuck they say sorry here is yr car back
most people can get these engines running but if there si a prob 99% of people have no idea

u should have sent me yr harness it would have cost u much much less
and atleast i help my customers out if they have problems once they pay me some money i just get the hsits when out of the blue they want me to sit down for an hour and explain how to wire things up

the prob u have can be easy or hard to fix
injecotrs not pusling is due to afew things
one is no pwer the other is no igf signal to the ecu

anyway if u can figure out a way to get error codes it will tell u if there is no cam signals or no ignitor signals
make sure u have battery power backup to the ecu otherwise it wont save the errors

but ive had to help someone over th ephone fix a similar problem and it was due to the front coil not plugged in
find out how the igt and igf signals work and it might help u figure it out
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I agree with sideshow. Get wiring diagrams and check it over and check the ignition connections. I would also suggest sending it up to us as we would sort it but I do know of another workshp down your way who do lots of 1uz's if you cant sort it yourself.

my wife is starting work again soon
now kids goto daycare
so im getting more and more harsh on some custoners hehehehe
plus i loose my licence for 3 months starting on march 25th

so im going to tryt doing crap work
especially if its being done before by someone else
i tell them its this price if i do it from scratch and ill give warranty
or its 150 to 200 bucks an hour to fix someone elses stuffff upppsss
and then there is no warranty hehehe

the automotive trade suxxxxssss butts bigtime lately and its just getting worse
half my phone calls are for help which i try to be nice and say no but after awhile its annoying and i get rude on the phone

i cant believe how many workshops get way deep over their head then call me
i need to just say bring it to me
not sure how much it wil cost but it wil work 100%
otherwise dont call me again
ive basically had enough of the wankkkkeeeeerrsss in this world that think its easy
but to make engine run is piss easy
to make it all look factory as best as possible and not wires everywhere
takes time and also try get everything to work in the dash and everywhere else

anyway u prob should have taken it back as soon as u had probs and asked for money back or you would take legal action
too many softcocks in this world and too many workshops ripping people off
tell it how it is then??:D

go read the toyota manuals on ecu's fitted to these (and other toyotas).
it explains indepth how and what it does,what each wire does and why.starting ,running everything infact...
read it till you understand it ..then you may stand a good chance to diagnoise your car and save afew quid...

now i need to learn about supercharging..that should be fun..

(go here for toyota info goldmine)
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haha yeino that now could have been a link installed and dyno setup
have got numbers of computer if make sense to anyone
89661-50102 would be really helpful if anyone can supply pinout i am happy to pay for it thanks
yer i should say that but some idiots just dont give up
due to some thing that happened last year i wont work on anyones car that on toymods
or if i do its usually double the price
the internet and forums has breeded many backyard mechanics and mroe dodgey work is being done these days which means more calls for help which i say i cant do it
its complete job or nothing as i cant give warranty and dont want to touch any job thats waiting for an accident to happen

anyway im just pointing the fact out that more shop are getting itno the performance band wagon with bugger all experience then they get stuck on some jobs and usually turns out crap or they hand car back and say here u go its all done
well these shops all get away with it and make us look bad cause we charge too much to fix it correctly
so these days u really have to ask many question to the shop doing th ework before u tke it to them
id never get a job done by findign a place from an advertisement in a magazine
i ring afew friends and ask them who is best at doing this
word of mouth is the best way to find someone who knows what they are doing
the diagrams i have are hand drawn and way better than any factory diagram

i do this for a living thats y i dont give anythign out

i think theres enough people out here that think they know what they r edoign so i just let them help others
and sometimes ill just point someone in right direction and sort of explain how things work
but i think more people should try to learn y and how on problems and how the engines work

some demand help on forums and have no fking idea on how a car works
they are the ones i laugh at
