Which of these LEDs for SC gauge cluster?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
Maybe I can help

Hi, I just - yesterday - bought a 93 SC400. The dash lights are a mess - can't see the temp or fuel pointers at all. And the Climate control is only lighting in the center.

So I know nothing about all this. But...I am a long term "techie", and I learn fast and can google (okay everyone can but many don't).

What I'm saying is if you can give me some more info - since I have none and have not opened up anything yet. Maybe I can help and you'll be helping me too. I have ordered a CD based manual - hopefully that'll get me started on how to - correctly - get things apart.

I can be contacted via PM here - and if you do I'll give you my direct email.
i was researching lites also at that site, T1.5 looks like what will fit, the other looks like just a smaller profile.
Dash lighting

Great referrals...but since I had needle issues I just had LexTech do the work. (Mixed experience btw). I did scan the LED link. WOW...I had no idea so much progress has been made in LED's. And I'm a tech guy (getting slow!).
Working with LexTech

Okay, the gory details... The good news:
The needles look very good. I picked red waterfall. At full brightness there is a bright spot near the base (the LED) and it's a bit dimmer on the short end. But over all very even and professional looking. No rough edges etc.. The guages all still work - no damage was done, they seem to be still in calibration.

The backlight good - even, nice color. I picked the 16 led white. I was told it would be similar to native backlight in intensity - being that the plastic sheild on the cluster is a smoked color. And it is. Dims nicely and at full brightness it is a soft but white color (maybe a slight gray from the smoke plastic). I was told the 32 light would be much brighter.

I also had the backlight for the Climate control done - it had 2 dead bulbs. It looks good. No detail it is simply a LED backlight with no changes.

The stupid side (me):
I got lazy and did not want to drop the steering wheel, so I did this (taking out and putting back in) with the battery on, and the ignition to first position which tilted the wheel out of the way (but was tight). That has triggered the Air Bag light - which I or my local shop will reset.

When I plugged it all in, it all seemed fine. I had been playing with the dimmer - and I smell that acrid hot-electronic part smell and see some smoke. The dimmer cut the lights off before bottom now. I am suspect it got toasted in one spot. But it still works, and everything else still works and there is no more burning. (I will update if there are further issues.) I can not fully point the finger at LexTech on this, but I am suspect the LEDs might be drawing more power than the old bulbs. The smell was that of a burned electronic part, not just a quick short - and I am guessing that had it been something in the cluster there would be a problem. It seems to be in the dimmer - perhaps I will replace it and see if it fixes, and have a chance to smell it (that smell sticks in the parts for a while).

The pain in the rear side (LexTech):
I paid a fortune to insure this fully and ship Priority mail. When things started dragging out - after a second request for status, I was told it took longer than expected to be delivered. Then the work was said to be on time, but shipping did not happen for another 5-6 days. There is only one shipping option, FedEx ground (read as SLOW). Even they missed their delivery by 3 days. Bottom line is that this took from my ship dated of 5/16 till delivery to me 6/10. 3 1/2 weeks. I did not need the car so it did not kill me, but it should be considered. And there was no insurance on the return that I know of. Given that I had a cluster and climate unit - there was some very significant value (I shipped with $2k in insurance).

The plastic face screen was rather smudged and needed a Goo-Gone cleaning. I would have hoped it would have been handled more delicately and cleaned before shipping. I can not comment on scratching mine is a 166k car and there was minor scratching already.

LexTech did somewhat keep me informed when shipped and sent me a tracking number. I would have appreciated an option for faster shipping, and certainly keeping tighter to the 2-5 days estimate of work and that would imply it getting shipped right away. Status at start and end of work would have been nice.

So - follow the rules (disconnect the battery) and don't hold your breath on speed. But appreciate the beauty. And watch for an update on the dimmer question.
Not in my case, it was a non-descript (to me) LED. I am not sure what the original is, but it is a conventional bulb. LexTech sells them, they may list what they are.
