Toyota F1 welding bubble

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Active Member
Houston Texas
found this searching. Looks like for fabbing certain parts the bubble contains everthing in a no oxygen environment.

10544.jpg said:
Most probably he is welding titanium which must be done in an inert atmosphere .
/\ /\ right on the money, titanium needs to be inert, or the weld and metal turn to crap, and goes brittle. I looked into to getting titanium tubing for some projects, until i got told about the extra effort to weld it.
That reminds me off way back [ bout 20 years !! ] when the GP racing dirt bike manufacturer's started using titanium frames as they were heaps lighter , you had all these little sealed tents in the pit area's which enabled them to weld up all the cracks , they all gave it away in the end as the advantages were far out weighed by the hassle factor .
