Remote mounted turbos

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Due to lack of space in my car I am considering remote mount turbos. Does anyone know the real downsides of this and how to overcome? I was thinking of less energy in the exhaust gasses because they cool down, so there is less energy to drive the turbine. Then there is a big intake pipe that needs to be pressurized and that also might be heated up. Then you have to get oil to the turbos and if it's not a seperate system you also have to get the turbo back to the sump with an oil scavange pump. Any other problems and obviously how do you overcome them?
Mounting the turbos away in the car / under the car / behind the rear wheels does allow you to mount them better / more complex (think of compound turboing for example).
My other two options are in front of the engine, that give me a lot of pipeworks in front of the pulleys and next to the engine (over the valve cover or something) or very low where the bellhouse meets the engine and that also requires a scavange pump I think as it's almost under the oil level.
or very low where the bellhouse meets the engine and that also requires a scavange pump I think as it's almost under the oil level.

thats where i am going....

do a search...there are lots of bits and pics of this..

i recon thare will be no gas temp/speed lose here as the plumbing is about the same as forward monted sytems..(wrap the headers in tape)..the compressed air side may be abit tricky though..(but maybe not)
A mate mounted a pretty big single TO4Z in the cabin behind the passenger seat!! A well thought out set of extractors and the thing spooled up just fine....15psi at 2500rpm with a smallish 0.86 a/r turbine housing.

Intake vol isn't an the numbers and the vol of the intake is inconsequential when compared to the flow capacity of the turbo. Don't use a BOV if you have any lingering concerns, they are a waste of space anyway on 99% of setups.

Yes energy is lost from the system but a well thought out setup will still do a good job.
