Piston height question

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
I've been looking around for more affordable low compression pistons for the 1UZ-FE. I've noticed that the 87.5mm bore is quite a common size (which is good) but don't have a piston to hand to measure the height of. Does anyone have one and would be willing to measure the distance between the top of the piston and the centre of the wrist (gudgeon) pin? I reckon I can find something that will fit that won't cost $1200 a set.
Some years ago there was a group buy on here for Ross low comp pistons.

Do a search as there should be information in the posts leading up to the GP.

You could try Ross as well.

Oh and if something else would have fitted we would have gone down that route.

We even looked at different conrods to combine with alternative pistons.
Did you look at Sierra Cosworth stuff? Or Vauxhall 2.0 turbo? This being predominantly an American site (yes, I know you're in Australia) there are other options that may well not have been explored. Forged pistons, whilst nice to have, are not needed for normal levels of boost, and an OE option may be available
I heard a rumour from local dealer over here that at one point he was supplying a engine builder with Camry pistons for use in 1uz. Not sure if they were VZ or MZ engine range or what he was doing with sleeves. Us kiwi's do some crazy stuff. I might also add that I in no means support reinventing the wheel. Early 1uz's run just fine on stock pistons with light boost for a long time. Unless you do something really dumb they last well. Much easier to just throw some steel head gaskets at it , upgrade the rod bolts and pump the air in. If your name is Justin then the same piston will support large amounts of boost , massive amounts of abuse and make heaps of power , but he is a freak anyway and does stuff that ordinary people can't do.
I was thinking of just adding some ARP bolts and thicker Cometic gaskets. Fuel in the UK isn't brilliant, but is at least consistent. I am thinking of fabricating a setup similar to the Jaguar XJR, but using a particularly lovely air/air intercooler I just won on Ebay for the princely sum of £41.


I'll be using an M112
