1uzfe into IS200

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hello people.as some of u may be aware im in the process of dropping this fat lump in to the is200(well i will be),getting all the parts sorted first before i starting ripping the is200 apart.
My question is this 1uzfe wil be running twin turbos /lower comp etc etc but im a little(correction REALLY) concerned about the is 200 rear diff...this will just get distroyed with the power hike what im wondering is,is it possible to fit the mk3 supra diff on the is200??going to be running the mk3 supra box and cut prop etc(r154) but im not sure about this diff...any suggestions,would the is300 fit???.cheers

ps Big thumbs up to Marcus v8 for his advice and problems he was having,cheers min
I have similar problem and want the IS300 diff to get better ratios.

Depends on what year the car is as to how easy it is.
Early ones likne mine (99 model) needs the complete IS300 diff cradle swapped over as well.
Later IS200's had a common cradle for both IS200/IS300 models. Just find what year the IS300's started and that is when the cradles were changed.

You need to find axles as well - the IS300 axles are larger dia.
