Imperial Fraction to Decimal to mm Chart

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"Supra" Moderator
Staff member
Houston, TX
OK, so everyone needs one or more of these charts. Frankly, the ones I have, I can't read anymore without my reading glasses, so that's what prompted me to make these, so I can tack them to my garage wall for reference

The Imperial sheet starts at 1/64 and goes up to 1 inch, in increments of 1/64, as most of the charts do. All fractions are converted to decimals and then to mm's.

The Metric sheet just rearranges the columns of the Imperial sheet, so the mm's are at the left.

The Metric 1 sheet starts at 0.500mm and goes to 32mm in increments of 0.500 mm, and converts to decimal and fractional inches. The resolution on this is not so good in the fraction column, because the largest denominator I used was 128, which is about the smallest fraction we'll ever encounter here in the US.

The Shimming sheet starts at 0.05mm and goes to 3.20mm in increments of 0.05mm.

The columns can be easily extended to higher numbers if you want.

I have the pages formatted to print on US Letter size paper, however if you want to print on A4, just decrease the width of the blank column D.

Just wish I had an A3 or Ledger size printer now (think I'll make a trip to Kinko's soon)
