Beware of ebay related scams!

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Super Moderator
Yesterday I nearly became a victim of an ebay related scam. I received a "Spoof" email from [email protected]. It read………

(ebay logo on top left hand corner above all text)

Account Investigation Important Notice

We have strong reason to believe that your eBay account has been recently compromised and it could be used by a third party without your authorization. In order to prevent any fraudulent activity from occurring we are required to open an investigation into this matter. To speed up this process, you are required to verify your eBay informations by following the link below.

(www. fake ebay BS / my user name, Removed for security of members)

To complete the verification process you must fill in all the required fields

Please Note - If your account informations are not updated within the next 72 hours, then we will assume this account is fraudulent and will be suspended. We apologize for this inconvenience, but the purpose of this verification is to ensure that your eBay account has not been fraudulently used and to combat fraud.

We appreciate your support and understanding, as we work together to keep eBay a safe place to trade.

Thank you for your patience and attention in this important matter.


eBay SafeHarbor
Investigations Team

Do not respond to this e-mail, as your reply will not be received.

Copyright 2004 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. is located at Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125

It looked official and when I clicked on the think that was in the email, I was stupid enough to enter my user name and password because I thought I was logging into ebay. After that I was taking a look at the form and it was asking for all sorts of sensitive info like my credit card info down to the 3 diget verification number that is on the back of the card. Then it asked for my ATM PIN, followed by, what a surprise, my social. At that point I know there was no way this was from ebay so I sent the email to their fraud department and low’n behold, it was spoof mail. I would NEVER enter my soc. Sec. # EVER on ANY online form and I suggest that everyone else try and do the same. Please be safe on ebay. I saw a report on TV about these spoof emails and I thought, “That will never happen to me” and it almost did, so please be very careful out there!
Yeah.. i got few emails like that too about paypal. I almost became a victim too. They was asking very confidential financial questions.
Ya, I heard that there was one kinda like this that looked like it was from paypal, damn these scamers. I just canceled my CC.
sniper said:
Ya, I heard that there was one kinda like this that looked like it was from paypal, damn these scamers. I just canceled my CC.
you better change your password too. when you loged into that spoofed page, you just gave the badguys your ebay loggin and password. they can loggin as you and start buying stuff and have it drop shipped to china. $50 says your paypal account probably has the same password as your ebay account cause your lazy, id hurry and change it!
