1UZFE or 1JZGTE into mklll Supra?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
My thinking too - they also produce higher KWs.

Still have the problem that I can find 10 1UZFEs and no 1JZGTEs!

1st step would be the conversion, and later the modifications. Which would be better to work?

I am new to the idea of a 1UZFE.

Go into customers cars and click on the picture on the far right of the top row
MK3 with 1UZFE
there pretty good with giving advice as well apparently
Hope that helps


Thanks - I had a look at their site and will give them a call.

If you put the 1UZFE in before me, make sure you post pictures and details of any hiccups you had!
