Car wont stop

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Howdy, so I'm new to forums and such but a nice guy from here told me to post my problem here. I apologize in advance if I do something wrong or say something a little funky.
I have a 1992 sc400, I just completed a egr delete on it. I broke off half of a plastic nipple on the vsv sensor on the driver side towards the front of the car. So for the time being I rednecked a solution and hoped the vacuum line didn't pop off till the part arrived. Two days later I was on my way back home like 4 minutes from home and suddenly my car wouldn't stop going. Whether I pressed the Gas or not it acted as if I was, my gas pedle was not stuck my car simply drove. Even when applying brakes, my brakes had to fight the acceleration the rest of the way home. When I got home I put it in park and it revved to the sky, and I quickly shut it down. And waited for new sensor.

My part got in last night, I replaced the sensor which I thought was the culprit but didn't look to have slipped. I also replaced the vacuum line just incase. Turned on the car and it revved to 3000 rpm and held I tried pressing break or gas to see if maybe that would've it reset nope, revved higher and held at 3100. So I reset the ecu, hoping that would fix it and now it revs and stabilizes at 2500 rpm.
If someone knows what is going on I would appreciate.


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I figured it out! My pcv vent tube had a hair line crack in it and must have been leaking, replaced it and now she seems to run like a charm after mashing the gas in park it stabilized at a normal idle.
