Approximately $5.9 billion spent on iPhone fixes since 2007,

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The iPhone is one stylish smartphone. It has been the handset of choice for the “hipper” in our midst for a while, but there is something to give one pause about purchasing one. Namely, they are fragile, a fussbudget, and costly to fix, as one study estimates upward of $5.9 billion has been spent on iPhone fixes since the phone was launched in 2007. Source of article:

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Too much cash needed for repairs

The news for Apple and the iPhone will continue to get stronger with the release of the iPhone5. Still, before the iPhone5 was even announced, there was a lot of talk about the phone and business. You will almost always be able to find a good review in a magazine or newspaper, but this time you will see even more.

Something that might give an individual pause is the cost of iPhone repairs. According to Time magazine, SquareTrade estimates that $5.9 billion has been spent on iPhone repairs since the thing came out in 2007.

Clumsy owners most likely trigger

SquareTrade surveyed approximately 2,000 iPhone owners, examining the data and extrapolating an estimate from there. According to Businessweek, the survey also found 30 percent of owners had ruined their iPhone within the past year and, according to Time, that 11 percent of iPhone owners with damaged phones keep their phone with a cracked screen and 6 percent keep their phone held together with tape.

Most damage was self-inflicted, and it can cost over $150 to replace a screen, which will cost a massive short term loan to replace. It was 10 times more likely that an individual would damage their own phone than that it would get stolen or lost. People usually dropped their phone or somehow covered in it water when it came to getting the damage.

Perhaps one incentive toward purchasing the iPhone 5 is that it has only one pane of glass, the screen, instead of two. The case is also made from aluminum, rather than composite.

Going Google will not save you

The estimated cost of iPhone fixes might seem a reason for Android owners to rub it in, but switching to a phone with Google's OS will not save you. According to Wired, a survey last year by WDS, a wireless services business, found that Android owners were far more likely to call into repair and customer services centers than iPhone owners.

If you wanted something better, a Windows Mobile machine or Blackberry can be less likely to break down. About 14 percent of calls to the service center for Android had to do with hardware, whereas only 11 percent of iPhone calls had to do with hardware problems. About $2 billion annually is spent at telecom companies fielding Android phone grievances.


