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  • Hello Graham, I like the Spitronic because it is almost p&p. It was originally designed and built around the 1UZ-FE and is great for what I want out of it. I found the programming side difficult but that is due to me being used to Haltech, Autronic and the like.. Like all stand alones, the more yopu play, the easier is gets as you learn.. Ill tie you up with the blokes from Spitronics, please shoot me a blank mail -barry at gsab dot co dot za. Cheers Graham, Barry.
    Sorry to intrude but found you on Lextreme and thought a private email would be OK.

    I am in the final stages of putting a 1uz into a 95 Subaru Legacy wagon and thinking about using Spitronics gear. I notice their website has been rewritten and now there is no contact email addressess on there.
    I see you mentioned Spitronics in an earlier post and wondered how you find it....like is it as good as they say?
    Aftermarket ECU over here in NZ is a bit overpriced and feel the Spitronics gear would be well recieved if I could get it shipped at a reasonable price but just wondering about your thoughts?

    Graham Brewer
    If it does fail to reach you, please will you send me a blank mail to "Barry at gsab dot co dot za"
    I will reply to it directly, thanks.
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