Isn't it Christmas???

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My parents like to put on a good light show at christmas time, they are the only people in the street to put some time and effort into the christmas spirit. And what happens???!!! A bunch of young rich spoilt assed kids turn up and try as hard as they can to rip almost an entire side of my parents lighting display down, destroying 4 SETS of lights. Who knows why...and now unfortunatly for my younger sisters (only 11 and 6) and for all the people who go out of thier way to see the display, the lights will taken down. What a world it is....
That sux mate. It's all giggles when they're pulling the lights down but I reckon it wouldn't be so funny if you caught them and put their commitment to prankstering to the test... I suspect they'd turn to water.

Having said that, if you caught them ripping down the lights and put their lights out you'd be the bad guy eh.
christmas and iv got people vandalizing my house, throwing crap at it and what not, wait till i catch those little...
Man, this kind of stuff really hits my hot button....

People all around the USA are trying really hard to take the "Christ" out of Christmas, and God out of everything else. Really a sad state of affairs, but anyone who objects is branded as a religious fanatic. Even Christmas trees are being relabeled as "Holiday Trees".

IMHO it's fast becoming time for the silent majority in the USA (and other countries) to speak up on this issue, along with same-sex marriages, multiculturalism, and other hot potatoes that the very vocal special interests are having so much success with, and which are proven (from history) to undermine society.

Apathy is just not an option anymore.

