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  1. W

    Piggyback ECU All about piggybacks!

    Start: Debate ^^^^^^ I suppose that i should have made it bigger....considering this was upposed to be a debate about them to prove me wrong. That is the point of a debate right? Its ok just pull the thread please, sorry for posting it! People if you want to see it join on the v6 forum...
  2. W

    Pulleys! Who can make them?

    Hey everyone, I am looking to get some S/C pulleys made for my prototype s/c project. The pulley on the s/c does not match the one on my engine (different rib numbers) so is there a place that anyone here knows that has a lathe/CNC to make them?
  3. W

    Karmen Vortex Elemination....

    Hey guys, been a while since i posted...lots of work going on over here. I have thought about the people stuck with the karmen vortex style AFMs and how it is hard to elminate that type of restriction. So i have been thinking and talking with other people and thought of a solution that may...
