Search results

  1. 4

    UZFE KA24 Swap, Flywheel Help Needed

    .002" on a bore that small you'd have to heat it to damn near the melting point lol :)
  2. 4

    UZFE KA24 Swap, Flywheel Help Needed

    I have correct flywheels on the shelf and ready to go.
  3. 4

    UZFE KA24 Swap, Flywheel Help Needed

    .002" is a massive press fit, you'll most likely damage the flywheel if that's the case. it should be .0002" to .0004" clearance. also the 3sgte flywheel is a complete pile for use with the uz engine. 3VZ is the correct flywheel to use. it has the right ring gear, facing the right direction...
  4. 4's R154 to 1uz adaptor install

  5. 4

    gearbox adaptor plates.

    I can make you the adapter
  6. 4

    92 sc400 swap wiring with factory ecu

    I also have the complete 1994 sc400 tewd on my photobucket
  7. 4

    92 sc400 swap wiring with factory ecu

    o Pin 7 – Green-White in color § From “Stop Light S/W” to “ECU” and "TRAC ECU" o Pin 8 – Empty § No Pin? Confirm? o Pin 9 – Brown-Yellow in color § From Cruise “CTRL ECU” to “ECU” o Pin 10 – Empty § No Pin? Confirm? o Pin 11 – Black-Orange in color § From “7.5A IGN Fuse” to...
  8. 4

    92 sc400 swap wiring with factory ecu

    o Pin 17 – White in color § From “1 S/W” to “Comb. Meter” o Pin 18 – Empty § No Pin? Confirm? o Pin 19 – Empty § No Pin? Confirm? o Pin 20 – Yellow-Black in color § “Oil Pressure Sensor” to “Comb. Meter” o Pin 21 – Green-Orange in color § From “ECU” to “Comb. Meter” o Pin...
  9. 4

    92 sc400 swap wiring with factory ecu

    This should help Hi all, I thought I would put together a complete “guide” if you will for a Pre-89 1UZ-FE swapped Supra. This swap is gaining in popularity so I figured if we have a good platform to get wiring information it would help ease the process. First I will list the Supra...
  10. 4

    Does anyone have the 1uz-t56 file

    I'll make one for you.
  11. 4

    Lextreme Changes / Requests

    lol this now after offering to do this for the forum for years.
  12. 4

    Quantum-auto is now owned by just thought you guys would like that :)
  13. 4

    Wanted WTB 1uz automatic bellhousing

    WTB 1uz automatic bellhousing I'm located in California.
  14. 4

    Parts WTB 1uz automatic bellhousing

    WTB 1uz automatic bellhousing I'm located in California.
  15. 4

    Parts 2UZ block swap

    find out about shipping to 95368 if you really want to sell the block.
  16. 4

    3uz pistons in 1uz

    I don't think it will work without sleeving the block
  17. 4

    Trade Non immobilized 1UZ VVTi, 3UZ ECUs

    the prices on the 3uz have come down signifigantly here in the us in the last few months.
  18. 4

    Single Turbo 1UZ MKII Supra Project

    YAY, I can finally talk about this!
  19. 4

    lextreme 2uz motor mounts

    They were originally for spf_lexus's ls400
  20. 4

    lextreme 2uz motor mounts

    I have the conversion mounts at home.
