Search results

  1. B

    Supercharger Kits in the UK?

    Hi - silly question time, does anyone know a place in the UK that can supply supercharger kits for the 1UZFE? I've emailed Bullet cars but have not yet received a response and I've also emailed Richwood - and I'll need to source the M90 and a fuel pressure gizmo. Both of these guys are not...
  2. B

    Scimitar V8

    Hi, I've browsed the site a lot and printed off loads of info - I've also bought a few bits off Lex and finally the wife's track day car is almost there. So a big thank you to Lex and all those who I've pinched ideas off over the last year and a half. My Mum's old Reliant Scimitar had a new...
