Recent content by UKSupertrucks

  1. U

    Steering fluid cooling loop.

    Hi, Possibly a 'low value' question but, is it common practice to re-use the power stering fluid cooling loop, that is factory fitted to the pump return pipe on the LS400, or loose it. I have just transplanted the LS400 engine into a 1997 Hilux double cab - that did not have one as stock, but...
  2. U

    will this work?

    whoops, sorry, just noticed I have posted in the wrong section. Sorry guys, I will try and move it.
  3. U

    will this work?

    Hi all, I have looked to see if this has been discussed before, but can't find the thread if it has! I have a 1993 Lexus complete car and wanted to fit the engine into my 1993 Hilux RN106, having read lots of threads, I am going to keep the origonal auto box, but fit a transfer box from an auto...
