The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
Steve, That turbo mag issue is several years old for starters (I have that issue somewhere I think, I'll try to find it, but I would venture to say that is was back in 01 or 02 or something.) ... I dont think that the company (Mechtech) ever went into full production with the kit, probably lack of interest. Plus the Aerodyne VATN type turbos were not very reliable too. The nice thing with them is they were self oiled thus not requiering an oil supply or drain connect with the engine. This allowed them to be mounted low and where every they would fid. They could also be mounted at noticble more incline then a typical turbo... The main problem with them is that the Variable Vanes would become hung up over time and then they would either not boost at all or over boost cause the Vanes are what controled turbine speed and thus boost, not a wastegate.

Best bet if you want more info about it or what not, contact MechTech.
Self oiled turbo...whooh. I never heard of that. I think it's not that reliable due to this self oiled tech. The turbo gets really hot for any liquid form to stay in it without being coked.

The thing about the turbo system for the SC400 is it's really lacked of interest, unless you offer it at a dirt price. I thought about producing the manifold for turbocharging the SC400, but didn't get much interest.
actually, the older chrystler vans had VATN turbos from the factory. They were fazed out later IIRC. It didn't have a wastegate or oil lines. My pop told me about them a long time ago.

On mechtech's website they don't even talk about it...I don't know what good will come from calling them.
Yeah, Chrysler did use them for a very short time and phased them out pretty quickly. The boost control issues were the main problem cause of the control vanes freezing up. Its a good theory on paper, but not in practice. The nice part with the design if it was more reliable was that it had really fast (almost instant) spool up almost like a turbo with a turbine that was way to small for the engine, but didn't restrict or hinder the top end flow like what would happen with a too small turbine set up. The self contained oiling was amazingly not nearly as much of an issue as one one suspect. IIRC, they did requier a special synthetic oil for them that had much different temp properties then standard engine oil.
