Has Anyone Run AV Gas in the 2UZ

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
98 is our Super Unleaded, some other fuel pumps are offering 99RON fuel and a couple of very rar 100RON but the cost is disgusting.

Our normal unleaded is 95RON.

Note: It is entirely possible I am getting octane/RON mixed up but I'm pretty certain that its RON.
that would just be maping an slightly different valve timing on the exige, they're sold here with E95 stickers on the gascap.

I have my 20V 4age in the striker on 163hp on E95 now, I could go higher in power perhaps running on E98, but it's running fine now and I can go to france without trouble. since they don't have 98 there everywhere.

If I can mannage it the twin sc 1uz will run be mapped on 95 also, just for travveling abroad to le-mans for instance. 95 cheaper than 98 also btw

grtz Thomas
I've put AV GAS in a supercharged M1UZ - but it wasn't anywhere near 120 octane - it was like 103 or maybe 107. It didn't fix the knock issue we were dealing with (which was probably due to a lean condition or too much timing but the ECU wasn't tuneable by us so I can't say for sure).

But anyways I would just run VP 100 or VP 103 - both are excellent unleaded race fuels that go well with small shots of nitrous, slight compression bumps, or low to medium boost.
Nah if you've got problems with a to lean mixture, higher octane's not going to help you since the problem lies elsewhere. !maybe! it would solve the knocking but heat's a different matter.
think ignition timing when changing octane rating not the amount of fuel. the extra advance in timing is what makes the extra power most of the time, not the amount of octane in the fuel or the fuel itself.
Nah if you've got problems with a to lean mixture, higher octane's not going to help you since the problem lies elsewhere. !maybe! it would solve the knocking but heat's a different matter.
think ignition timing when changing octane rating not the amount of fuel. the extra advance in timing is what makes the extra power most of the time, not the amount of octane in the fuel or the fuel itself.

I know. It was a boat with watercooled manifolds - there was no AF gauge and no place to put one so we didn't know if it was rattling from lean, or just insufficient octane or what. We figured we would give it a try.
I was under the impression that you have to run 40% more E85 to an equivalent power level of gasoline.

Or do you mean 10% E85 in with your normal gas? Many states already have up to 10% ethanol in the fuel.
Ethonol is new here.. Well atleast they are telling us its added...
There is a 10% fuel which in our octane rating is 94 ...
I run this 10 % mix with 98 [high octane pump] And made over 640 rwhp at 16 Lb boost... It allows more advance and more power if fuel can be added,,, Up to 52* advance to 23* at peak torque....
I would imagine 85% would be even better??
Tmk E85 is 85 % and drops to 70% during winter to help cold starts...
You cannot just add high octane fuel and gain power as it maybe a more dence fuel or require more advance to take advantage of its slow burn.. If stoic is lower ? Then more fuel will have to be added...
on a side note avgas will lean the mixture slightly because it has anti-freeze in it. I run my personal watercraft on av gas 830cc, 2 stroke, 225psi cranking compression, 170hp I was a long time tunning it.
on a side note avgas will lean the mixture slightly because it has anti-freeze in it. I run my personal watercraft on av gas 830cc, 2 stroke, 225psi cranking compression, 170hp I was a long time tuning it.

Yes its a denser fuel requiring more fuel...In some cases..
Wander what the anti freeze is ?? Some form of alcohol ??
