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  1. S

    1UZ putting out 480Hp at 11,000RPM with 4 barrell carb

    was there a price on thous mainfolds and yes the two Duely's..850cfm that equal to what whe ran on the 273 ci we used a 1025 odd like that tall mainfold but with a sump and reave vavel we ended up placeing a drain plug could they make that if you order a mainfold is it costume any there...
  2. S

    1UZ putting out 480Hp at 11,000RPM with 4 barrell carb

    hq had the same probs with rocks when you take exhaust out and put in straight through fuled the oile you need too hold heat stop full throttle and don't over cool by oil .temp meant to be keep by thermostat cant text time out brb
  3. S

    1UZ putting out 480Hp at 11,000RPM with 4 barrell carb

    barry ? so that must be a belt stel vvt not the diff styel vvt or magnet type. i didnt know they had vvt out can we plant them are they univesal vvt heads or is a block base vvt i have only just stared trying my tranplant but thous carbs look good idear i saved the site offline try ring hunt...
  4. S

    1UZ putting out 480Hp at 11,000RPM with 4 barrell carb

    well im old so holley was my thinking ja starion 1uz but there is a 850 cfm anuel discharge doubel tap discharge i found and use years ago . it took time but found one guy at og road shop sa adelaide to hook me up it is a square but there a few spreaid 700 so on so on oh angelish is mira fist...
  5. S

    4 Wheel drive 1uz

    sigma styel .see your are mid motor is that rigth i was thinking 2 speed powerglide adptor from castle main to one of the toyota tranfer set up as im sure powerglide are in toyotas i thinking of 1uz for my ja starion i to need help text wise but what axels shuold i run oh can who ever it cc...
  6. S

    1UZ putting out 480Hp at 11,000RPM with 4 barrell carb

    yoyoyo can you go back about cabys how and where in aus $ and mainfolds ? im stal on my 1u ja starion tranplant has any one know of a sima type convertion cheap and nasty from what i can under stand is the oms 2.8 on the injector are std 220 cc i was planing transing dital fule ove or would...
