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  • hi zuffen.

    i need help with my g/box wiring. on which pin do i connect the etc-pwr switch and on what pin does the o/d button go? ecu-3a240 1uz non-vvti a341e
    as best i can tell there's no OD2 pin. there's a PWR-(28pin5) PWRL+(28pin6) and OD1(28pin7).

    Sorry for the very slow reply.

    I haven't worked with any Toyota auto trans so so can't help you.

    Have you tried posting in the Forum proper?
    Greetings from Russia.
    Tell me please where can I find the tuning section and improvements on 1uzfe. build a car for drift. so where is better to snap spare parts
    hiya Zuffen

    i wish to swap a pajero 1997 with tiptronic automatic gearbox with a 1uzfe.....

    was wondering if yourself could nudge me in the right direction
    Hi Rod,

    Sorry for the slow reply, haven't logged on here in a while.
    Yeah the adapter and flywheel is done, now I need to get the engine running to see what happens when I spin it!


    Sorry for the delay, I don't check here often enough.

    I wouldn't recomend the swap.

    The engine is a very tight fit but plenty of people have done it.

    No swap parts are available but a simple a adaptor plate can be made to work and use an aftermarket (CRS?) flywheel.

    If you email me your address I'll send you a write up I did on swapping into an early RR, as it may be of use to you.


    Hi Zuffen, We are seriously considering putting a 1UZ into my 00 Range Rover P38 with ZF. Where can I find bellhousing and necessary parts to mate them? Is it feasible? what are the most challenging parts of this project? Thanks.
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