New Member
Apologies reviving this dead forum 14 years later. Seems like och never found a solution, wonder if he's still got the car 
Just wanted to add since i've finally found my solution after years. I've done basically everything och has done and have the same problems.
I recently swapped igniters with my mate and low and behold, CAR IS FIXED! I can finally go up a hill without flooring it
I've never heard anything about a partial igniter failure so thought I'd share my insight. I had no codes for them, but it appears partial failure is a thing, although it must be pretty rare if there's no posts about it. Hope this can help someone else out with their car

Just wanted to add since i've finally found my solution after years. I've done basically everything och has done and have the same problems.
I recently swapped igniters with my mate and low and behold, CAR IS FIXED! I can finally go up a hill without flooring it

I've never heard anything about a partial igniter failure so thought I'd share my insight. I had no codes for them, but it appears partial failure is a thing, although it must be pretty rare if there's no posts about it. Hope this can help someone else out with their car