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  1. C

    1UZFE on a Haltech Sprint 500

    Video from last night.....first attempt starting the 1UZ with a Haltech Sprint 500....this is literally just Bill plugging in the ecu, adding trigger specs and whatever else he entered in about 5 minutes on the laptop....:D...
  2. C

    Standalone ECU AEM Stand alone

    Ok, I've scoured AEM's site, and I can only see a piggy back for a there an official plug and play stand alone for a 1uz?? Where the heck is it on their site?? Thanks! Rob
  3. C

    Volvo Amazon + Lexus SC400 = ???

    I started this project looking for a car to put a 1uz in. It ranged from a toyota mini truck, but I realized I don't have any basket ball jerseys and don't listen to hip hop, so that was out....Then I thought old corollas....but trying to find a non rusty one for cheap was tough....then I...
  4. C

    SC400 width

    Quick question, does anyone have the width of an SC400 front end from wheel mating surface to wheel mating surface? Thanks! Rob ;)
