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  • There are heaps of options. My most used piston that I really like is the CP piston. I stay away from wiseco which are still a good piston but there finished sized are not matched so often each bore has to be sized to the piston. With the CP piston they are all the same size so boring is all the same. For rods I have used a few and often I use dirty old Eagles. They are well priced and I havent had any issues. Used them in heaps of other engines as well. The Argo rod is most likely a better product. Its more often the setup, machining and tuning which gives the good end result more than the type of piston and rod. I would recommend you find a good machine shop and sit down with them to discuss your build. Work out a plan and then stick to it. Everyone will have different opinions on what is good and what is not. Follow good work practices and double check everything. A good head gasket is very important with a boosted engine

    Hope this helps

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